Monday, May 16, 2005


Its that time of the semester again when professors haunt your dreams and the image of the lucifer is replaced with your professors face. I'll be busy burrowing under my books but not necessarily studying them. This time it might take me longer and bigger binges to recover from them. Signing off until then.


Baejaar said...

Wish you all the best for your exams......

sensiblystoned said...

Thanks a lot dude!!!

Prabha said...

Best of luck!!

sensiblystoned said...

Thanks a lot prabha.

elijah snow said...

tak about that, i'm already in my final terms... hope u get thourgh though, good shamrock luck!

sensiblystoned said...

Wookie: Thanks. Im going to need the all the luck in the world.

'thought and humor': i really dont know what to say. thanks, i guess.

elijah snow: i envy you. i have helluva lot more terms to go before my final term. thanks.