Sunday, March 13, 2005

Robbed of thoughts

Does writing take away my skill for conservation. After I finished my previous post around noon, I realised that for most part of the next two hours I was tongue tied and my thinking cells were benumbed. It was like my entire emotions and my capability to emote was encapsulated in the words that I typed in the morning. And once I was done with my post, I could think no more, staring into the television, the images and the sounds rushed past me, my mind not registering. There was no way I was going to tackle Maxwell and his convoluted equations in this frame of mind.

I knewI enjoyed writing but never did I imagine that it might take away the need for conservation. Could I live without innumerable idle conversations that make up our pathetic excuse for life. What if I was a mute, would I miss conversations and interacting with people?


Anonymous said...

i really enjoy what you have to say and very much agree

sensiblystoned said...

I get an email everytime I get a comment on my blog. So, when I received your comment I had a hard time trying to see where you had posted your comment. This was one of very first posts and I had to go through each of posts in reverse order till I found your comment, *phew, tough work* Anyway thanks for stopping by.